Broken/Debonded Crown or Veneer
Crowns or veneers can become broken by a fracture, secondary caries, excessive biting forces, teeth grinding, decementation or loosening of the crown.
The management of the loose crown includes immediate recementation or a replacement crown, depending on the assessment conducted by the dentist. Thus, a thorough examination is of paramount importance. The procedure includes cleaning all the cement and residues, to carefully inspect for any underlying caries or fractures & thereafter either reglueing the old crown/veneer or replacing it with a new crown or veneer if it's completely broken/cracked and can't be reglued anymore.
These days, we offer all ceramic crowns, which are more aesthetic, metal free, strong and long lasting. These are also directly bonded to the tooth which reduces the risk of crown coming off.
The management of the loose crown includes immediate recementation or a replacement crown, depending on the assessment conducted by the dentist. Thus, a thorough examination is of paramount importance. The procedure includes cleaning all the cement and residues, to carefully inspect for any underlying caries or fractures & thereafter either reglueing the old crown/veneer or replacing it with a new crown or veneer if it's completely broken/cracked and can't be reglued anymore.
These days, we offer all ceramic crowns, which are more aesthetic, metal free, strong and long lasting. These are also directly bonded to the tooth which reduces the risk of crown coming off.